Markup of:
H.R. 4091, the ARPA-E Reauthorization Act of 2019
Amendment to H.R. 4091 offered by Chairwoman Johnson (D-TX) - passed by voice vote
Amendment to H.R. 4091 offered by Mr. Foster (D-IL) - withdrawn
H.R. 2051, the Sustainable Chemistry Research and Development Act of 2019
Amendment to H.R. 2051 offered by Mr. Lipinski (D-IL) - passed by voice vote
H.R. 1709, the Science Integrity Act - passed by a recorded vote of 25 - 6
Amendment to H.R. 1709 offered by Mr. Tonko (D-NY) - passed by voice vote
Amendment to H.R. 1709 offered by Mr. Lucas (D-OK) - passed by voice vote
Opening Statement: