(Washington, DC) – This week, House Science, Space, and Technology Committee Chairman Frank Lucas (R-OK) welcomed Representative Vince Fong (R-CA) as the newest member of the committee.

“I’m excited to welcome Representative Vince Fong to the House Science Committee, where I know he’ll be a strong advocate for American science and technology,” Lucas said. “We’re doing important work to maintain our global scientific leadership, promote the safe development of advanced technologies like AI and quantum sciences, and protect our taxpayers’ investment in research and development. Vince will add a great perspective to our committee and I’m eager to get to work with him.”

“I am honored and privileged to work under the leadership of Chairman Lucas, and with all the members of the Science, Space, and Technology Committee, to advance our nation’s technological advancements being developed in my district, including at NASA Armstrong and Mojave Air and Space Port, and to help further aerospace, commercial spaceflight, and energy and resource development throughout our region and across the nation,” Fong said.