
H.R. 4599, the Steel Upgrading Partnerships and Emissions Reduction Act or SUPER Act of 2021 



The “Steel Upgrading Partnerships and Emissions Reduction Act”, or “SUPER Act of 2021”, directs the Secretary of Energy to establish a program of research, development, demonstration, and commercial application of advanced tools, technologies, and methods for low-emissions steel manufacturing in order to increase the competitiveness of U.S. industry and achieve significant reductions in emissions from both advanced and commercially available steelmaking processes.

The SUPER Act directs the Secretary, in carrying out this program, to focus on a range of key technology areas, including heat generation, carbon capture, smart manufacturing, resource efficiency, alternative materials, and high-performance computing, and to leverage the research infrastructure of the Department as practicable. It requires the Secretary to carry out this work in coordination with relevant programs of the Department, other federal agencies including NIST, and with relevant programs and activities authorized in the Energy Act of 2020. 



The Niskanen Center



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