June 2009
Date | Title |
6/16/09 | Subcommittee on Energy and Environment Markup - H.R. 2693, H.R. 2729, H.R. 1622 |
6/3/09 | Full Committee Markup - H.R. 2407, the "National Climate Service Act of 2009" |
May 2009
Date | Title |
5/13/09 | Subcommittee on Energy and Environment Markup - H.R. XXXX (2407), the "National Climate Service Act of 2009" |
April 2009
Date | Title |
4/29/09 | Full Committee Markup - H.R. 2020, H.R. 1736, H.R. 1709 |
March 2009
January 2009
Date | Title |
1/28/09 | 111th Congress Organizational Meeting |
July 2008
Date | Title |
7/16/08 | Full Committee Markup - H.R. 3957, H.R. 2339, H.R. 6323 |
June 2008