As the Chair of the Space and Aeronautics Subcommittee and proud Representative of the Johnson Space Center, I am delighted to cosponsor this important legislation.  Authorizing and conducting oversight of NASA on a regular basis is one of the most important tasks that this Committee is charged with.  Maintaining our leadership role in space depends on steady hands in Congress that can weather changes in Administrations and year-to-year budget fluctuations.  That’s why this bill provides continuity of purpose for NASA’s missions which is necessary to ensure the success of complicated endeavors that take decades to complete. 

The bill solidifies the Artemis Program by supporting the Space Launch System, Orion, Human Landing System, next-generation space suits, and other necessary systems to enable our return to the Moon.  It also charts a path for continued robust operations in low-Earth orbit through the continuation of the International Space Station and the development of commercial space stations to follow.  

The bill also includes a robust aeronautics research title to guide the development of next generation aircraft, as well as a well-balanced science section that will enable discoveries on the Moon, throughout our solar system, and throughout the universe.  Finally, the bill also includes important oversight provisions to ensure that NASA manages programs effectively and that taxpayer funding is appropriately expended. 

I’d like to thank Chairman Lucas, Ranking Member Lofgren, and Ranking Member Sorensen for their support and collaboration. I’d also like to thank the diligent majority and minority staff who worked tirelessly to come to this bipartisan agreement.