Today, House Science, Space, and Technology Committee Ranking Member Frank Lucas announced the Republican Subcommittee rosters for the 117th Congress.

“Our subcommittees do a lot of heavy lifting,” Lucas said. “They work closely with the agencies we oversee, and develop and negotiate smart policies. Each Member brings a unique perspective and important experience to their subcommittee’s issue areas and I’m looking forward to everything we can accomplish together.”


Energy Subcommittee Members

Rep. Randy Weber (TX) – Ranking Member

Rep. Jim Baird (IN)

Rep. Mike Garcia (CA)

Rep. Randy Feenstra (IA)

Rep. Carlos Gimenez (FL)

Rep. Peter Meijer (MI)


Environment Subcommittee

Rep. Stephanie Bice (OK) – Ranking Member

Rep. Anthony Gonzalez (OH)

Rep. Randy Feenstra (IA)

Rep. Carlos Gimenez (FL)


Research and Technology Subcommittee

Rep. Michael Waltz (FL) – Ranking Member

Rep. Anthony Gonzalez (OH)

Rep. Jim Baird (IN)

Rep. Pete Sessions (TX)

Rep. Jake LaTurner (KS)

Rep. Peter Meijer (MI)


Space and Aeronautics Subcommittee

Rep. Brian Babin (TX) – Ranking Member

Rep. Mo Brooks (AL)

Rep. Bill Posey (FL)

Rep. Daniel Webster (FL)

Rep. Young Kim (CA)


Investigations and Oversight Subcommittee

Rep. Jay Obernolte (CA)

Rep. Pete Sessions (TX)